Have you used Cool Zone Air Conditioning & Heating before?

If so, that means you could refer your friends and earn money if they decide to purchase a new HVAC system.

Complete the form below to have a Cool Zone Air Conditioning & Heating service rep contact your friend and set up an appointment. If your friend purchases a new unit within 90 days of your referral online, we will mail you a $50 check to show our appreciation. Thank you for thinking of us! We promise to take good care of anyone you refer!

worker with HVAC units

Rules: Rules are subject to change. This referral program is not retroactive. Referred customers must be new customer to Cool Zone Air Conditioning & Heating and must purchase and install a new HVAC unit within 90 days of this web form submission. The referral must be located at a different address than the address of the person referring. Referring customer must be an existing customer of Cool Zone Air Conditioning & Heating. The $50 referral reward is awarded per customer only. The referring friend can expect to receive a referral reward check in the mail within 30 days of referred friend’s install date. Questions, please contact us at (623) 777-3881.